Disable ajax for add to cart button in single product page / WordPress / Woocommerce


SO here I am going to explain three steps

Step 1 if you want customer to redirect after adding to cart to checkout then add below code to the functions.php

function my_custom_add_to_cart_redirect( $url ) {

  $url = WC()->cart->get_checkout_url();
  // $url = wc_get_checkout_url(); // since WC 2.5.0

  return $url;

  add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'my_custom_add_to_cart_redirect' );

Step 2 if you want customer to redirect to the cart page after add to cart the following image link showing you can do this from admin end


Step 3 if from admin end it’s not redirecting the customer to the cart page then add following code to your functions.PHP

 function custom_add_to_cart_redirect() { 
  return 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress2/cart/'; 
  add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'custom_add_to_cart_redirect' );

replace this URL http://localhost:8080/wordpress2/cart/ with your cart page URL hope it will work for you
