I found a small solution to my issue with getting the post content made with WPBakery Page Builder into a php template file listing all posts – like a blog page. Probably there might be clever and better ways to do it, but this solved my problem.
$the_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'post' ) );
while ($the_query->have_posts() ) {
$the_query->the_post(); ?>
<!-- you may add more post content here
I just want to refer to the content, not meta content or custom fields -->
<p class="bowe-post-content-bloc">
$conteudo = get_the_content(); //get ALL content for the post
$padrao = array('(\[vc(.?)\])', '(\[/vc(.?)\])','(\[booom_baannng_anypostsharebuttons])'); //create a filter
$reparacao = preg_replace ($padrao, "",$conteudo ); //remove content based on filter
echo wp_trim_words ( $reparacao, 40, '...'); //display only 40 words
<!-- you may add more post content here
I just want to refer to the content, not meta content or custom fields -->
wp_reset_postdata(); ?>