How to avoid PHP/WordPress memory fatal error for bulk processing of data in large file uploads?


I developed the following solution based on the links in the question and some additional tinkering.

On the WordPress server-side, when loading the javascript file, I determine the number of lines the server can handle based on the memory allocation using,

$limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
$limit = wp_convert_hr_to_bytes($limit) / MB_IN_BYTES; //in MBs.
    case $limit >= 512:
        $limit = 1000;
        $limit = 500;
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-javascript-file');
wp_localize_script( 'my-javascript-file', 'cirData', array(

you should determine and set your own limit as per your process.

In the javascript file, using jQuery,

var reader,formData, lineMarker=0, csvLines, isEOF=false, $file, $form ;
    $file = $(':file'); //file input field
    $form = $('form');  //form
    //when the file field changes....
    $file.on('change', function(){
      //check if the file field has a value.
        //setup file reader.
        reader = new FileReader();
        //now listen for when the file is ready to be read.
        reader.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
          csvLines ="\n");
          batchProcess(); //launch process.
        //when the form is being submitted, start reading the file.
        $(document).on('click', ':submit', function(e){
          e.preventDefault(); //disable normal submit.
          //setup data for the ajax.
          formData = new FormData($form.get(0));

          //read the file and batch request to server.

  // Methods
  function postCSVdata(csvdata){
    formData.set('csvlines', csvdata); //set the current datat to send.
      type: 'POST',
      url: $form.attr('action'),
      data: formData,
      contentType: false,
      processData: false,
      cache: false,
      success: function(data){
        var msg ="";
        if(isEOF){ //is this end of the file?
        }else{ //continue reading file.
          console.log("uploaded:"+ Math.round(lineMarker/csvLines.length*100)+"%");
          batchProcess(); //process the next part of the file.
  //batch process.
  function batchProcess(){
    //csvlines is the array containing all the lines read from the file.
    //lineMarker is the index of the last line read.
    var parsedata='', stop = csvLines.length - lineMarker, line='';

    for(var i = 0; i < stop; i++) {
      line = csvLines[i+lineMarker];
      parsedata +=line+"\n"; //add a new line char for server to process.
      //check if max limit of lines server can process is reached.
      if(i>(cirData.limit-2)) break; //batch limit.
    lineMarker += i;
    if(i==stop) isEOF = true;
    postCSVdata(parsedata); //send to server.

this sends multiple AJAX request in a sequential manner in chunks of lines that the server is able to handle without having a fatal memory error.