SSL not working with Visual Composer – Mixed Content issues


Honestly, the easiest solution to Mixed Content errors in WordPress is to use the Really Simple SSL plugin once you first get your SSL.

Make sure your website URLs in your General Settings are updated to include https:// as well.

If you’re still getting these issues, consider the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin.

Alternatively, you can also do a “real time find/replace” to replace http:// with https:// by adding something like the following to your functions.php file:

function steffi_live_find_replace( $buffer ){
    if( is_ssl() ) $buffer = str_ireplace('http://', 'https://', $buffer);
    return $buffer;

add_action( 'template_redirect', function(){
    ob_start( 'steffi_live_find_replace' );

I’d recommend the first two plugins before I’d recommend the find and replace method. I’d be willing to wager you just don’t have a setting tweaked quite right to secure all URLs and those plugins should help and are about as light-weight as you can get.