Sticky row in Visual Composer


If you want that row to overlap everything, including the header, you have to move it within the DOM and append it to the body of the page. Otherwise, it becomes fixed within its parent container.

    if (jQuery(".sticky").length) {

Assuming the above is saved in a files called “my-scripts.js” in “js” directory inside your root theme folder, you can make sure you include the above code properly AFTER the jQuery library in WordPress with the function below:.

function my_jquery_scripts() {

    $PathToMyScript = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/js/my-scripts.js";

    wp_register_script('my-jquery-js', $PathToMyScript, array( 'jquery' ), time(), true);

} add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_jquery_scripts');

NB: If you want the browser to cache your script, replace time() with false.