W3 Total Cache keeps caching non https pages


You can not disable caching of http requests in W3 Total Cache. Only caching of https requests can be enabled/disabled, at Page Cache | General | Cache SSL (https) requests checkbox. So, I guess you should try to solve this problem by other means.

If your entire installation is configured for https and http requests are totally undesirable, add the following lines to your WordPress .htaccess file:

# **************************************************************************
#   Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
# **************************************************************************
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=temporary,L]

The code above will redirect all HTTP requests to their equivalents in HTTPS protocol. This way, WordPress will never produce any insecure page and, as a consequence, W3 Total Cache will not put in its cache this sort of page.

By the way: the use of “temporary” instead of “permanent” in the code is proposital: it aims to avoid a terrible problem involving browser caches when, for any reason, you have to return to http requests (an expired certificate, etc.)